Strategic branding for the modern cannabis company.

Three Ways to Enhance Your Brand

It All Starts With
Love For The Plant
This story starts in 2015, when a sick and exhausted CA ad agency cog was ready to throw in her towel. That cog was me, and I hadn’t discovered cannabis as medicine, yet. When a friend suggested it for my ailments I laughed at first, but I soon discovered, from a Green Flower online symposium, that cannabis had been used for millenia to assist the body in it’s many complex processes. It was then that a deep passion was planted. While my understanding of cannabis grew, so too did my desire to use my marketing and advertising experience to help the industry tell the important stories of pain and recovery.
Blog Posts

Media Mentions
Podcast Appearances

As a cannabinoid consumer of over 10 years, I’ve tried and tested flower, infused products, and ancillary devices from all over the United States. Now, as a strategist, I’ve partnered with some of my favorite brands. Discover new products. Meet great brands. Spread the love!

Contact Bri
Whether you’re ready to start a new project, partner on a new initiative, or just want to chat, this is the best way to get ahold of Bri. Fill out the form!